Wednesday 9 May 2007

Controversial Artist RIZ MC

RIZ MC, a new face who I'm sure will hit mainstream soon! A London born artist who last year starred in a channel 4 documentary 'ROAD TO GUANTANAMO' alongside a dear friend of mine.
Known not only for his acting skills but his music also, which reflects controversial issues faced by British Muslim especially after 9/11 and 7/7. A fantastic tune of his was played on YOU-TUBE called '9/11 Blues' it was rejected publicity and radio stations refused to play it!
Personal opinion i think that they where too scared as his lyrics would ignite interest and perhaps get a few people into trouble! He MC's some truths behind the bombings and after effects Muslims have faced, too controversial because he lays down the facts.

Here's some lyrics from the track to ignite your interest!

"Shave your beard if your brown and you best salute the crown Or they'll do you like Brazilians and shoot your ass down"

"Were all suspects so literally, be watching your back, I farted and got arrested for a chemical attack"

Check out his video:- Post 9/11 Blues

Now his video has had 44,000 plays on MySpace - HMV and iTunes have now agreed to release it. GO RIZ!

He was in Birmingham this Friday to perform @ 'Drop beats not bombs' sharing his talent.
A talented young man who will surely has a lot to offer. His music shows there are more important issues to rap or MC about rather than women, sex, drugs and money.

I wish him all the best.

Good luck Riz ;)

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