Wednesday 2 May 2007

Liar Liar #2 Parents lie to children

I didn't mention in my previous blog about lying, the obvious lies... parents lying to children!
Yes you also have people lying to their work place 'calling up sick!'
You have people lying to partners (relating back to an element of infidelity) or just simple everyday lies, hiding the truth or as some say 'bending' the truth!

Parents lie to children all the time. If it is to protect the child from something i think it is acceptable, for example single parents or talking about death to a child. They are too young to understand so you can 'lie' to them. Most adults tell the truth when the child is old enough to understand anyway.

To conclude, there are many variations of telling a lie. The small ones you can most probably get away with, then there's the kind where people get carried away, which ends u
p in getting caught!

Parents lie about 'santa' at christmas or some children aren't told that they are adopted... that's a lie isn't it as your not being honest. Its so kids feelings aren't hurt. I don't think it's bad if your trying to protect the child.

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