Monday 30 April 2007


How many celebs have been covered by the media for involvement with drugs?

here's a re-occurring face... SNOOP- DOGGY- DOG!

His criminal record seems to have gotten him in a little trouble with being rejected entry in this country.Refusal of a visa...hmmm. his fault! He isn't really a good role model is he. However he is role model to alot of kids or people who love his music, that's what his known for. But his involvement in drugs or with bad behaviour, bad publicity has negative impact on his fans.

I think celebs have a great impact and influence in society today, through music they promote drugs, crime, guns. If this is all they rap about then what do you expect the youth to listen to and follow? Looking up to their role models and wanting to be like them. Who wants their child following the likes of Snoop Dogg (No offence brother)
They need to start passing a good message across about crime, guns , drugs through their music.
But one problem... this won't make them their money so they aint gonna stop.

Sunday 29 April 2007

Gangs... where does it end?


It's all linked. Look how much problems gangs bring alongside them. Guns- violence -shootings. Dealing drugs for money. Killing people like it's minor. When is it going to stop?

Gang culture's EXPANDING,
Drug smuggling is GROWING,
Shootings are FREQUENT...


Here's an approach Crimestoppers used


The most recent incidents where the shootings and murders in South London. Do you believe that media are calling it 'a new trend in killings and murders.'

What the heck? Now killings have become 'fashionable?'

Things are seriously out of control and what doesn't help is how guns are readily available and can be purchased as easy as clothes these days.

Firstly police need to track down on the guns issue. Next most importantly is to control the youth. There isn't much for them to do and they become accustomed to the 'street life' and find they can't get out. Education isn't a priority its all about becoming a part of a gang, earning respect and money and watching their backs. From what i know a lot of the younger kids
look up to 'older gang members' as role models as the gang culture and drugs is appealing until they find out what it's about, by then it' too late to back out.

It's tragic that 15 year old are being shot dead or stabbed, what must their parents and family be going through? Yet why couldn't the family prevent this? Is out really so impossible to control your own kids nowadays? How can you let things get so out of control that your child is involved with drugs or guns and with 'the wrong crowd.' It does have a lot to do with poverty and opportunities available to young people.

They aren't helped, just labelled and targeted by police and others, so how is this meant to stop gun crime and gang culture. To deal with a problem you have to get to the root of it. Politicians, the government... it's all well sitting on their fancy seats saying they want to do this that and the other but it's all talk... you can't tackle issues like these by just sending out cops on the street, yeah it might help a little but isn't going to solve issues. You need to actively get out there on the streets and make a difference. Talk to these people. That's the only way you can help. Target the younger generation so you can stop them gong into the same circle of 'growing older and becoming involved in crime and guns.'

Look at this image on the right from a real documentary. Kids holding guns like they are toys.

Saturday 28 April 2007


Question? Is gambling a form of 'being bad?' I think so...maybe...yes! Aren't nearly all the things we discussed in our lectures?! Yet if you gamble you probably won't think it's bad. It can become an addiction as are most things in life, i know of people who have gotten addicted to 'the bookies' or casino and regardless of whether they have the money or not they gamble. It's a matter of discipline and self control (like infidelity). Rich people or people who have got the money to enjoy horse racing or an elegant evening at the casino can afford it so why not? But if your broke and you become addicted it can cause a lot of problems. Money problems.
We all must have taken risks or little gambles in our life, or placed silly little bets with our friends but there's a difference between playing with BIG money!

Who doesn't wish they win the lottery?! Everyone! Every one's taking part in the lottery and big money is involved, so is there really a big difference between putting a few quid on the national lottery weekly and visiting the casino for a few games? The biggest difference is probably the amount of money you gamble.
With so many websites to chose from no wander it's an addiction! I came accross so many whilst browsing for a sight for my blog, i was spoilt for choice.

Friday 27 April 2007


Alcohol and people who can't control their drinking is a 'bad' combination. I've seen people 'pissed' out their heads and all over the place. They just make fools of themselves and look stupid! I mean fair enough if your a drinker, get merry but getting so drunk that you don't know what day it is... People need to know their limits. And women shouldn't try and compete with men, (only when it comes to drinking i mean!

Does the age restriction on purchasing drink work?
No not really. If it did then how do kids still get hold of alcohol nowadays. They must be getting hold of it some how and from somewhere.
Binge drinking is out of control in Britain and is another issue that needs to be brought under control. It increases crime rates and plays a huge part in public order problems.
Not only is it out of control it is costing mllions. These are two articles from BBC news.

Thursday 26 April 2007

Response to 'Marijuanna' by Archanna


Well funny enough i recently had a conversation with a friend about legalising marijuana in Britain. He is a regular smoker so his views did vary to mine.

In response to Archanna's blog, she was 'for' legalising it however in my opinion if it was to be legalised it should be in designated areas. I know this sounds strange but it's almost how Amsterdam runs. Although my friend was also for the legalisation of cannabis as in his opinion it would stop the dealers and corner sales made nowadays. however will it make a difference to the importation of the drug? It may make it worse, the good point is it may be controlled but somehow i don't think this will happen successfully.

I'm sort of on the fence with this one because if it was legalised...what next? Red light districts? Hash cakes in the local cafe? I don't want where i live turning into a mini Amsterdam with prostitutes and all. When you give lee-way to one thing it opens boundaries for many others and then people don't know where to stop.

People who smoke cannabis would be for the idea as I've realised having discussions with regular smokers! Yet people who don't smoke may be totally against as they can see it causing problems. I think like alcoholics it can get out of hand like people who are buzzing and get carried away and don't know how to control it. More work for the police, more fights and a more drugged up society!

From what i know and have seen it is easy to call a dealer, pay him a tenner and pick up your draw. Job done for couple of hours enjoyment. Yet these quick sales are causing harm to people. I heard it's not as harmful as cigarettes in the short run, however in the long run you can suffer from memory loss and it isn't good for your health.

I found information on side effects from small ones to major ones as a result from an overdose.

Some that i know are:

* Memory loss
* Lung cancer
* Increase in apetite
* Vomiting

Also a friend took extreme measures for weight loss and actually lost up to 4 stones by smoking cannabis, yeh sure it sounds an easy way out but now she is addicted. People become reliant on it and can't go without a spliff a day. In my opinion a worse habit than fags to break.
Cannabis is glamourised in music by artists, clothing and jewellery have the ganga leaf symbol so it is now a fashion statement.

Monday 23 April 2007

Response to 'Paedophiles' by Katie

I agree with you, just the thought of knowing paedophiles’ exist and are around us any time or place, it is scary.

The death sentence is a little extreme; they should be sentenced to life so they can suffer with no opportunity of parole. Sentences do need to get tougher or it won't stop paedophile as they won't learn their lesson. What's a slap on the wrist going to do?

I think the man raping a 3 year old was f****n disgusting. These B******S are so desperate that they need to rape innocent children/ babies. It is not on. Just shows the psychos’ out their in society today, the world is getting more and more corrupt and is a less safer place now.

I recently heard on BBC Asian Network new that a scheme may be coming out where parents will be informed if there is a paedophile living in their area, i mean how crazy does that sound. Do you really think it's a good idea? Some parents may think so. Yet i believe if my mum found that out she would be paranoid even more and constantly aware or on the look out! Would you really feel safe knowing that there is a paedophile living around the corner, i certainly wouldn't. Yet on a positive side it may scare a paedophile that the society are aware they exists however will it stop them? i don't think so, i think these dirty excuse for human beings will go to any measures to satisfy their need.

Check this site... the drug that 'stops paedophiles sexual urges to abuse children!' Wat da hell is that the best they can do. I never heard of this before today and this is last years article. I wander what the results were?
" Experts hope it will allow the offenders to bring their desire to abuse children under control."

Sunday 22 April 2007

Against teenage pregnancy?

Teenage pregnancy is one of the biggest problems in Britain today. I consider it up to the parents of the child to teach their children and discipline them on how to live in society today. And to teach them right from wrong. I do think it has a lot to do with social class, education and level of care and attention provided by parents. I mean if girls and boys are left to roam the streets all day, they come into contact with drink and drugs and it all starts from there. At the age of 16 you are too young to know what you want, i don't think a lot people are even 'responsible' young adults at the age of 18. It takes a lot of life experience and knowledge.

Sex is advertised too much via films, television, Friends e.t.c and this does have an impact on young teenagers. As what ever they think to be 'cool' and 'trendy' they will do just so they can discuss it amongst peers.

Education authorities need to provide more in-depth knowledge and understanding on sex education and need to work alongside parents to reduce levels. An important factor is that media need to stop selling sex as this has a negative impact on society.

Here's a few stats on the public view on teenage pregnancies.

There was an article on how we can prevent teenage pregnancy that i read and found interesting.

Saturday 21 April 2007

Response to 'Abortion' by Lula

I just wanted to comment on Lula's post on Abortion. I think you gave an objective view which i found interesting.
A few points she mentioned i agreed to. Coming from quite a religious, well more cultural, up-bringing, i too have been bought up to believe abortion is wrong. Yes i do agree taking a life of another is wrong and immoral both religiously and ethically. If you can be careless enough to get pregnant than you should keep the baby. Although what if the woman's life is in danger? or the baby's? In those circumstances it is acceptable. Another issue in deciding 'for' or 'against' abortion is will it effect the child's upbringing and life negatively in the long run if the baby is kept.
"Negative feelings of the mother toward a baby that is unwanted can be detrimental to the growing child... leaving children with low self esteem, lack of confidence... leading to aggressive and anti-social tendencies in later life." (Lula)

Not only negative feelings from the mother, it could be the father. What if the family do not accept the baby? That would have a horrid effect in the long term.

An important note Lula made how physiologically scarred the woman is after an abortion. I think this over looked sometimes and people think it's as easy as 'a quick operation.' Having second hand experience with some one who went through an abortion it is distressing, and an event in a woman's life she may never actually recover from and that will be with her for life. It is not only the woman yet the partner who may be scarred.
The link below tells of problem a woman may face after having an abortion.

There are situations when young teens are getting pregnant for 'joke' (for the hell of it)that is wrong. You should consider all the options before considering an abortion and having support from a partner is equally important so you don't face it alone.

Overall yes i believe abortion is wrong, yet in situations where it saves the life of others it is acceptable.

(I hope i don't offend anyone by adding baby pics on such a sensitive subject however i felt that the pictures relating to abortion weren't nice and i personally didn't want to put 'em up so i'd rather have these)

Friday 20 April 2007


I think there are two types of lies.. the 'white lie' and the 'big lie'...which you just dig yourself deeper and deeper to cover the previous lie.

Every one tells lies whether its ' i can't go out I'm washing my hair,' to 'oh you do look nice,' (when you think otherwise) or even 'I'm working tonight,' but you really out partying but don't want the other person to know.

Most the examples of lies i have given are perhaps used in situations where you don't want to hurt some ones feelings or 'get out of a situation,' Question is, is it acceptable?

Telling the truth is harder yet it is the better way in my opinion. Once you start telling lies it becomes a habit, for some people I've met it's become their way of life, they are so used to telling lies that it comes natural! (Lying can be related to bragging though) and the way they speak in everyday life. It is a horrible habit, especially when you can obviously tell the person isn't being honest. It is frustrating.

In relationships lying can be interpreted in deception as dishonesty can break a relationship (unless you think you can get away with so it's okay!! But that not acceptable.

Thursday 19 April 2007

Response to 'One night stands' by Jay


That was a little judgemental and quite a biased opinion to make, however from a guys perspective i can see how it works! (no offence meant!)

I mean i disagree to one night stands (especially if your in a relation
ship, but that comes under infidelity then don't it?) however i am aware that one night stands are common, with drinking, drugs, night life it must have become part of the socialising scene so to speak.

Any way diseases aside i think it's kinda de-grading 'shagging around' don't it show that you don't have much self respect not that 'look i can pull' mentality. I mean surely wouldn't you be happier with 1 woman to satisfy your needs than 'sleep around'. But then it's about self control, boredom and experimentation i guess?

There's a question:- If you do have one night stands, why? Is it purely sex? What do you get out of it, (apart from the obvious of course).

A lot of people don't like 'strings attached' and the 'emotional baggage' that comes with one partner)

Personally i think it's immorally wrong but that's my opinion, i know people will disagree. It is also glamourised i reckon, with the guys 'bragging' to others they 'got in there,' how many people they slept with and so on. Yet the same can be said about many other topics we have covered in the 'Being Bad' module, from smoking to piercings there is some sort of glamourisation involved to attract people.

I wouldn't sleep around i find it disgusting . I mean you don't know where these people have been and what they've caught... eeeeh! How are you sure that if you have sex with some one you haven't probably slept with 20 others!

Wednesday 18 April 2007

BoDy MoDiFiCaTiOn

Non- Invasive practices

I think there is nothing wrong with this kind of body modification, every one does it, it's normal and acceptable. I mean make-up it's sexy and worn correctly gives a woman that edge and boost of confidence however it can be seen as 'hiding under a mask' as I've heard the phrase 'i have to put my face on' but that's another topic for discussion altogether.

Back to the point, contacts, hair dies make- up, it's all temporary and you can change it when you want and chose when not to use them. so i guess your not scarred for life so it's alright.

Yet nowadays the variety in things e.g crazy contact designs they are getting a little carried away, the animal lenses as well... weird and creepy! I don't think non-invasive practices are immorally wrong.

Invasive practices

Disgusting. Some of the images have made me feel 'ill' metaphorically speaking. Isn't that self harm?! How anyone can think scarring up your body and modifying it in such a way is beautiful, i find it hard to understand. And not to forget to mention the pain. Is it a sexual pleasure kinda thing. I hate it, would never do it and urrrgh can't stand looking at the images. This perhaps i would class as 'bad behaviour' (although crazy comes to mind).

You've got to see this little article on the human pin cushion. Horriffic!

Tuesday 17 April 2007

KIDS 1995... I think it SHOULD be shown to kids

OH MY GOSH! was my first reaction almost straight away. It was a controversial film alright. Definatly 'A film about kids not for kids!' The way this film addressed issues such as sex, drink & drugs was shocking and outrageous however i think it most definitely got the message across. Being 21 and already aware of the issues covered in the film, i was still horrified by the blatant scenes and images, i thought 'imagine this was allowed to be shown to kids, it would definitely shake them up.'
Probably do them good i reckon, specially the amount of bad behaviour by kids nowadays and high number of drug users, under age drinkers and Britain with the highest rate of teenage pregnancies. Being bad is what being a kid is about RIGHT? however the phrase 'you learn from your mistakes' comes to mind. In my opinion until you don't have a first hand experience in something you don't really know what it's about, if this was shown to kids in school it would be close enough to a 'hands on' experience due to it's blatant approach on these controversial topics. Not only would it give them a culture shock but would make them aware and more careful for the future.
It still is in my mind! And i won't forget it in a hurry. I had to tell my friends straight away who also want to watch it now due to my explicit overview of the film! Shocking lecture yet interesting, kept me hooked all the way through!

A review i found on the film

Also some background information on the film. Did you know it was shot in a period of 6 weeks!

Monday 16 April 2007

Response to 'Adultery' by Gina

I was browsing other blogs and came across one in particular i liked. I found it a 'fun' idea to do a questionnaire as a blog entry so i thought i had to give it a go and answer the questions! I've added the link, so check it out and try it yourself.

Answers are as follows:-

1) No i have not committed adultery.

2) Yes. The infidelity.

3) It is possible to forgive a person who has been unfaithful yes, but not forget about it. Forgive for the sake of love probably. Dunno.

4) No! There are NO acceptable reasons for infidelity. Yeh perhaps, oh i slipped, tripped and landed in her! Yeah right. Like i said in my blog on infidelity, they are EXCUSES! You can't have a reason for cheating

5) No. I look but don't touch! That's my motto! Lol.

6) I believe any thoughts emotions involved with another person while in a relationship is cheating. You don't have to have sex to cheat. Mentally you are cheating by lusting, even a kiss. Cheating is when you don't tell your partner something because your guilty and have something to hide!

7) Err. some may think so but i disagree. One night stands are not acceptable adultery.

8) I became more aware and careful, more suspicious but now I've got a 'i don't give a shit' attitude! Lol. well i do but you cheat, your a goner!

9) N/A

Well i enjoyed answering that survey, made me smile and giggle whilst answering the questions as i had a laid back attitude, not feeling in the argumentative mood whilst doing this blog! REMEMBER:- Don't believe everything you read!! xx

Sunday 15 April 2007

Muslim women and the Veil

Without getting into too much politics as this topic has already caused much controversy. I am against the banning of the veil. Being a British Muslim, not as religious as many young Muslims, i still to some extent follow my religious beliefs, i disapprove to telling Muslim women 'what not to wear!' They need to understand 'WHY' women are covering themselves for religious and personal reasons aside to get a better insight. It is not forced upon anyone, it is an individuals choice.

Saturday 14 April 2007

Religious wear & symbols

I just wanted to briefly mention about religious wear as this was another thought that trailed on from the lecture on 'being too religious.' I sat there in class thinking... no wander people who believe in and follow their religion would be seen as being too religious due to their strict beliefs in religious wear.

You see a man in a turban and long beard, what do you think? So you see a woman in a veil that's altogether another story. What about a Muslim male with a beard...
terrorist?! It may sound funny but a lot of us are aware of such opinions. Are these symbols and religious wear really intimidating? Or is it just people scared of commitment of others to their religion.

If the veil, worn by Muslims, is an issue then so should be the cross worn by Christians? If the cross is an issue so should be the kirpan (knife worn by Sikhs) see link for more information on the Kirpan and Hijaab. Religious where is and should be acceptable in my opinion, it is who you are.

Friday 13 April 2007

You can never be TOO RELIGIOUS

This lecture did ignite my views as i was almost opposing everything the lecturer said! To begin with being religious should not be classed as 'UN-cool' as it isn't a fashion trend, it is people's beliefs and way of life for some. Individuals aren't religious for the sake of 'fashion' it is for God.
Secondly as far as the lecturer mentioned 'makes others feel UN-comfortable' i consider that to be the case in situations where people do not have enough knowledge or insight into others religions. They are uncomfortable because they don't know nothing about the people and aren't willing to learn or accept others. It's just insensitive and heartless stereotypical assumptions being made such as, "The child is too young to be wearing a head scarf she must have been forced." Yes I've heard it.
It is an individuals right to express religion how they wish, however it is important not to impose it on others. Freedom of expression and all i think it's perfectly fine too be involved in religion, i don't believe anyone can be too religious. Where what you want, be what you want, you can preach as long as you don't impose religion on others.

Thursday 12 April 2007


From my perspective piercings are perfectly fine as long as you don't go over the top. Piercings such as ears, nose and belly button are the most common piercings nowadays and are acceptable. Then you have the eyebrow, upper lip, tongue, okay so it's slightly more daring. Then you have the more extreme ones such as nipple, navel e.t.c and some people get carried away piercing all parts of their bodies and god knows where! That's the point where i think people get carried away and are over doing it, it's ridiculous and there is no need. Do they really think it's attractive. Could it be attention seeking or a cry for help.

I found it difficult in the body modification lecture to view some of the images and when searching for a pic for my post i felt sick looking at the images. I find it repulsive. See for yourself from the website i have added. YUK!

Wednesday 11 April 2007

Masturbation & acceptance

In the past the activity and person doing it where condemned today it is acknowledged and much more aware of as a sexual pleasure. Is that because over the years publicity of sex has come a long way and passed new boundaries?
The term 'masturbation' is enough to make us laugh. Some people agree to it some disagree. Every one has a personal opinion but society at large would feel uncomfortable with discussing it.

The website below gives a few stats about masturbation and an brief explanation on American History and it's influence on the shame and guilt of masturbation today.

However views vary from religious points of view (see website below). Whereas a majority believe masturbation is acceptable, it is still condemned as a sin in some religions. Respecting every one's religious believes and or acceptance of masturbation, it is still however a sensitive or shall we say remotely 'embarrassing' topic to discuss openly. Why is this? Could it be due to the lack of knowledge on the issue? People take a more humorous approach to talking about 'masturbation' as it is a way of keeping in the safety zone of being serious about the topic or avoid the humiliation of discussing it.

Tuesday 10 April 2007


Whoops! It isn't my 1st post however i couldn't M!$S the opurtunity to recommend a location for our field trip! It has to be... Amsterdam... heart of BEING BAD. What would be interesting is to visit and acknowledge what elements of Being Bad are missing... hmmm... won't be a difficult task i am sure!


Cheating... lying... hiding... deceiving... the list is endless of being bad elements involved in infidelity.

Is it still cheating if you tell your partner you did it? HELL YES! Okay so you've told the truth yet you still did it!

On a serious note, why do people commit infidelity? They aren't satisfied with their partner? Their sexual needs aren't fulfilled? They are unhappy? Are these Reasons??

I believe they are just mere excuses. I mean if you are unhappy in a relationship you should have the decency and courage to break-up with your partner and move on rather than play the field and cheat on them. It is selfish and inconsiderate in deceiving your partner and in my opinion shows lack of self control and a flaw in one's character.

People commit adultery for many reasons, the excitement of getting caught and secrecy involved plays a huge part, why else are most affairs broken up once caught out in the act. People use others as an excuse or blame others for them committing adultery or being unfaithful to make themselves feel better and hide what is really wrong with the relationship. I mean if you've just had sex with someone how is it your partners fault?! It was your own decision.
I am totally against infidelity and no matter how much you try and convince me with an explanation will i change my mind... that's not happening!

Yes SELFISHNESS.. people want best of both worlds. It must be a B***H to get caught! He he he!

Information on Infidelity

I found an article by the Guardian which said some interesting facts.
"Females may be slightly adjusting their preferences away from males who are potentially more likely to cheat." The guardian,,2051909,00.html

"...professional men appear to have more affairs than other groups..."
The research on Infidelity, statistics as well, can never really be accurate. People may not tell the whole truth, hide some facts or even exaggerate so it is hard to get a full picture however we can get some idea from these facts.

Monday 9 April 2007

Smoking #1 an addiction

14 years old i was...when i took the 1st puff on a B&H. Shell had nicked a fag from her dads 20 box, we waited till the lunchtime bell, ran out and hid behind some bushes at the back of school! We lit it up all excited with anticipation.. and there i took my first drag ever. Well, "not a big deal" i thought, "nothing special either but we where BEING BAD!" The nicotine rush from the fag! The adrenalin rush from getting caught & being bad in secrecy. Yes we looked cool, and because smoking came so naturally, we did it so well. It became a regular lunch time habit.

A 5 minute curiosity back in the days ended up lasting 6 years. 21 and I'm still smoking.
Naive at that age i gave it a go, do i regret it...yes. I believe most smokers start at school by Being Bad and daring.
A lunchtime habit became a life time one.
Having experience yes i believe smoking is an addiction. Trying giving up isn't easy, the slightest stress or little excuse to spark up a fag again, the temptation is endless. There are days when you can't stand the smell of cigarettes or smokers but then there are days you are gagging for a gush of nicotine down your lungs first thing in the morning instead of fresh air. Disgusting.
An awfull habit to break. Then there are the health risks.