Monday 9 April 2007

Smoking #1 an addiction

14 years old i was...when i took the 1st puff on a B&H. Shell had nicked a fag from her dads 20 box, we waited till the lunchtime bell, ran out and hid behind some bushes at the back of school! We lit it up all excited with anticipation.. and there i took my first drag ever. Well, "not a big deal" i thought, "nothing special either but we where BEING BAD!" The nicotine rush from the fag! The adrenalin rush from getting caught & being bad in secrecy. Yes we looked cool, and because smoking came so naturally, we did it so well. It became a regular lunch time habit.

A 5 minute curiosity back in the days ended up lasting 6 years. 21 and I'm still smoking.
Naive at that age i gave it a go, do i regret it...yes. I believe most smokers start at school by Being Bad and daring.
A lunchtime habit became a life time one.
Having experience yes i believe smoking is an addiction. Trying giving up isn't easy, the slightest stress or little excuse to spark up a fag again, the temptation is endless. There are days when you can't stand the smell of cigarettes or smokers but then there are days you are gagging for a gush of nicotine down your lungs first thing in the morning instead of fresh air. Disgusting.
An awfull habit to break. Then there are the health risks.

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