Saturday 21 April 2007

Response to 'Abortion' by Lula

I just wanted to comment on Lula's post on Abortion. I think you gave an objective view which i found interesting.
A few points she mentioned i agreed to. Coming from quite a religious, well more cultural, up-bringing, i too have been bought up to believe abortion is wrong. Yes i do agree taking a life of another is wrong and immoral both religiously and ethically. If you can be careless enough to get pregnant than you should keep the baby. Although what if the woman's life is in danger? or the baby's? In those circumstances it is acceptable. Another issue in deciding 'for' or 'against' abortion is will it effect the child's upbringing and life negatively in the long run if the baby is kept.
"Negative feelings of the mother toward a baby that is unwanted can be detrimental to the growing child... leaving children with low self esteem, lack of confidence... leading to aggressive and anti-social tendencies in later life." (Lula)

Not only negative feelings from the mother, it could be the father. What if the family do not accept the baby? That would have a horrid effect in the long term.

An important note Lula made how physiologically scarred the woman is after an abortion. I think this over looked sometimes and people think it's as easy as 'a quick operation.' Having second hand experience with some one who went through an abortion it is distressing, and an event in a woman's life she may never actually recover from and that will be with her for life. It is not only the woman yet the partner who may be scarred.
The link below tells of problem a woman may face after having an abortion.

There are situations when young teens are getting pregnant for 'joke' (for the hell of it)that is wrong. You should consider all the options before considering an abortion and having support from a partner is equally important so you don't face it alone.

Overall yes i believe abortion is wrong, yet in situations where it saves the life of others it is acceptable.

(I hope i don't offend anyone by adding baby pics on such a sensitive subject however i felt that the pictures relating to abortion weren't nice and i personally didn't want to put 'em up so i'd rather have these)

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