Monday 16 April 2007

Response to 'Adultery' by Gina

I was browsing other blogs and came across one in particular i liked. I found it a 'fun' idea to do a questionnaire as a blog entry so i thought i had to give it a go and answer the questions! I've added the link, so check it out and try it yourself.

Answers are as follows:-

1) No i have not committed adultery.

2) Yes. The infidelity.

3) It is possible to forgive a person who has been unfaithful yes, but not forget about it. Forgive for the sake of love probably. Dunno.

4) No! There are NO acceptable reasons for infidelity. Yeh perhaps, oh i slipped, tripped and landed in her! Yeah right. Like i said in my blog on infidelity, they are EXCUSES! You can't have a reason for cheating

5) No. I look but don't touch! That's my motto! Lol.

6) I believe any thoughts emotions involved with another person while in a relationship is cheating. You don't have to have sex to cheat. Mentally you are cheating by lusting, even a kiss. Cheating is when you don't tell your partner something because your guilty and have something to hide!

7) Err. some may think so but i disagree. One night stands are not acceptable adultery.

8) I became more aware and careful, more suspicious but now I've got a 'i don't give a shit' attitude! Lol. well i do but you cheat, your a goner!

9) N/A

Well i enjoyed answering that survey, made me smile and giggle whilst answering the questions as i had a laid back attitude, not feeling in the argumentative mood whilst doing this blog! REMEMBER:- Don't believe everything you read!! xx

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