Monday 23 April 2007

Response to 'Paedophiles' by Katie

I agree with you, just the thought of knowing paedophiles’ exist and are around us any time or place, it is scary.

The death sentence is a little extreme; they should be sentenced to life so they can suffer with no opportunity of parole. Sentences do need to get tougher or it won't stop paedophile as they won't learn their lesson. What's a slap on the wrist going to do?

I think the man raping a 3 year old was f****n disgusting. These B******S are so desperate that they need to rape innocent children/ babies. It is not on. Just shows the psychos’ out their in society today, the world is getting more and more corrupt and is a less safer place now.

I recently heard on BBC Asian Network new that a scheme may be coming out where parents will be informed if there is a paedophile living in their area, i mean how crazy does that sound. Do you really think it's a good idea? Some parents may think so. Yet i believe if my mum found that out she would be paranoid even more and constantly aware or on the look out! Would you really feel safe knowing that there is a paedophile living around the corner, i certainly wouldn't. Yet on a positive side it may scare a paedophile that the society are aware they exists however will it stop them? i don't think so, i think these dirty excuse for human beings will go to any measures to satisfy their need.

Check this site... the drug that 'stops paedophiles sexual urges to abuse children!' Wat da hell is that the best they can do. I never heard of this before today and this is last years article. I wander what the results were?
" Experts hope it will allow the offenders to bring their desire to abuse children under control."

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