Friday 20 April 2007


I think there are two types of lies.. the 'white lie' and the 'big lie'...which you just dig yourself deeper and deeper to cover the previous lie.

Every one tells lies whether its ' i can't go out I'm washing my hair,' to 'oh you do look nice,' (when you think otherwise) or even 'I'm working tonight,' but you really out partying but don't want the other person to know.

Most the examples of lies i have given are perhaps used in situations where you don't want to hurt some ones feelings or 'get out of a situation,' Question is, is it acceptable?

Telling the truth is harder yet it is the better way in my opinion. Once you start telling lies it becomes a habit, for some people I've met it's become their way of life, they are so used to telling lies that it comes natural! (Lying can be related to bragging though) and the way they speak in everyday life. It is a horrible habit, especially when you can obviously tell the person isn't being honest. It is frustrating.

In relationships lying can be interpreted in deception as dishonesty can break a relationship (unless you think you can get away with so it's okay!! But that not acceptable.

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