Sunday 29 April 2007


The most recent incidents where the shootings and murders in South London. Do you believe that media are calling it 'a new trend in killings and murders.'

What the heck? Now killings have become 'fashionable?'

Things are seriously out of control and what doesn't help is how guns are readily available and can be purchased as easy as clothes these days.

Firstly police need to track down on the guns issue. Next most importantly is to control the youth. There isn't much for them to do and they become accustomed to the 'street life' and find they can't get out. Education isn't a priority its all about becoming a part of a gang, earning respect and money and watching their backs. From what i know a lot of the younger kids
look up to 'older gang members' as role models as the gang culture and drugs is appealing until they find out what it's about, by then it' too late to back out.

It's tragic that 15 year old are being shot dead or stabbed, what must their parents and family be going through? Yet why couldn't the family prevent this? Is out really so impossible to control your own kids nowadays? How can you let things get so out of control that your child is involved with drugs or guns and with 'the wrong crowd.' It does have a lot to do with poverty and opportunities available to young people.

They aren't helped, just labelled and targeted by police and others, so how is this meant to stop gun crime and gang culture. To deal with a problem you have to get to the root of it. Politicians, the government... it's all well sitting on their fancy seats saying they want to do this that and the other but it's all talk... you can't tackle issues like these by just sending out cops on the street, yeah it might help a little but isn't going to solve issues. You need to actively get out there on the streets and make a difference. Talk to these people. That's the only way you can help. Target the younger generation so you can stop them gong into the same circle of 'growing older and becoming involved in crime and guns.'

Look at this image on the right from a real documentary. Kids holding guns like they are toys.

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