Tuesday 17 April 2007

KIDS 1995... I think it SHOULD be shown to kids

OH MY GOSH! was my first reaction almost straight away. It was a controversial film alright. Definatly 'A film about kids not for kids!' The way this film addressed issues such as sex, drink & drugs was shocking and outrageous however i think it most definitely got the message across. Being 21 and already aware of the issues covered in the film, i was still horrified by the blatant scenes and images, i thought 'imagine this was allowed to be shown to kids, it would definitely shake them up.'
Probably do them good i reckon, specially the amount of bad behaviour by kids nowadays and high number of drug users, under age drinkers and Britain with the highest rate of teenage pregnancies. Being bad is what being a kid is about RIGHT? however the phrase 'you learn from your mistakes' comes to mind. In my opinion until you don't have a first hand experience in something you don't really know what it's about, if this was shown to kids in school it would be close enough to a 'hands on' experience due to it's blatant approach on these controversial topics. Not only would it give them a culture shock but would make them aware and more careful for the future.
It still is in my mind! And i won't forget it in a hurry. I had to tell my friends straight away who also want to watch it now due to my explicit overview of the film! Shocking lecture yet interesting, kept me hooked all the way through!

A review i found on the film

Also some background information on the film. Did you know it was shot in a period of 6 weeks!

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